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Chapter 5: Hidden in Plainsight

Previously: "Look for COATIS" - this was the secret message, but didn't look significant. How could this be useful?

You couldn't understand it, but also you couldn't ignore it.

After spending your weekend without any challenge, now your curiosity has increased too much. And you highly anticipate your next assignment.

A G I L    I n v e s t i g a t i o n     I n c .
Spellborough, U.K.

11 May, 2009

Assignment #5

OBJECTIVE: Decipher the Message.

DESCRIPTION: The previous revelation has thrown us into great turmoil. COATIS had been mentioned many times in our previous cases as well, but we were always unable to unravel the reality behind it. It can be anything - a pseudonym, a person, a place, a code name, or who knows what.
The coincidental amazement to us aggravated further when today around the noon, the Spellborough Police Department got a letter note from an anonymous source. It was also signed as COATIS. The message seems irrelevant in the first sight, but it certainly could contain a deeper message hidden in the plainsight.
Use the text steganography skills to reveal whatever message is hidden within.

TECHNIQUE INFO: Text Steganography.

Encl. (1)
  1. Text Letter Piece.

TYPE: Text Steganography
FOUND: The Spellborough Police Station
Date: 11 May, 2009

11th May

Dear All,

Monday morning was very sunny, until we
started walking and then it rained. Rains are
great, but then, our car punctured while coming
to the mall.

Sincerely Yours,

The message looks similar to the text steganography example from Cryptolab.

Let's try.